Saturday, October 31, 2009

The 10 Diagnostic Criterion of Doctoral Syndrome Disorder: Primary Leisure Behavior Type

You could be exhibiting the symptology of Doctoral Syndrome Disorder: Primary Leisure Behavior Type if…

1. You find yourself disagreeing with seminal textbooks within your field more often than you agree with them
2. You have the choice between being a pompous ass and a incompetent boob… and you choose pompous ass
3. You find yourself using primary reinforces, like going to the bathroom and lunch, to motivate yourself to work hard
4. You incite philosophical debates on facebook
5. You no longer have to tell the staff at Panera Beard Company what you want… they immediately start getting your food ready as soon as you walk up to the counter
6. You are completely fine if your car breaks down… but if you misplace your jump drive for even a second you are sent into an uncontrollable spiral of panic
7. You draw out your major research projects using stick figures and line drawings… and then frame the masterpiece (or use it as your profile picture on facebook)
8. You can correctly spell Csikszentmihalyi, but rudimentary algebra is beyond your scope
9. You refer to foundational researchers within your field as your buddies (i.e. As my buddy Bandura always says…)
10. You wake up Saturday mornings feeling like crap, not because of the immense quantities of alcohol your consumed the night before, but because of the crazy late night you spent in the library fueled by chocolate, caffeine, and the fear that you might never graduate (and thus concur the world)

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